
The Slack component sends a message to a configured Slack webhook.

Webhooks in Slack are still supported but this may be removed in the future. It is also not the advised way to send messages into Slack but this component is being provided as a legacy support avenue.





Setup Headers

Header Description Optional Default
Target Webhook in Slack NO  
MessageSource Indicates whether the message for Slack should be pulled from the body of the message OR a header. YES Header
Channel Specifies the channel to push the message to overriding the webhook setting YES EMPTY
Username Specifies the user to appear as when pushing the message overriding the webhook YES EMPTY

Message Headers

Message headers can also be used as part of the component.

Header Description Optional
SlackMessage If this header is specified (in conjuction with setup header) this will be the message sent to Slack YES

Outbound Messages


No changes are made to the message.

Example 1: Standard Setup

.Process(new Processing)

Example 2: Set Message In Header

// Assuming message is an instance of Routable

routable.SetHeader("SlackMessage", "Hello World");

Example 3: Set Message In Body

routable.SetBody<string>("Hello World");

Note that the Slack target does not include the prefix of ‘https://hooks.slack.com/services/’