
The file component provides both FROM and TO routes to allow you to watch a folder for changes and also to write a file to a location.






Header Description Optional
Target Folder to watch NO
Notifications Type of notification to raise NO
Filter File watch filter NO
SubDirectories Include sub directories YES
InitialScan Whether it should scan the target folder before watching YES
Ignore Directories to ignore (separated by pipes) YES
IgnoreStrings Strings in file names to ignore (separated by pipes) YES

URI Parts

URI Part Description
Host Not used
Path Full path of folder

Example Syntax


Message Headers Raised

Header Description Immutable
SourceDirectory Directory the event is raised from YES
SourceFile File name of file picked up NO
FullSource Full path of the file picked up YES
DateCreated Date and time of the file (UTC) YES
Readonly Boolean as to whether the file is readonly NO
Method How the file was picked up NO
DataType The data type of the body NO


The to component does a couple of very simple actions:

  • Moves the picked up source file
  • Copies the picked up source file
  • Deletes the picked up source file
  • Writes the contents of the body of the message to a file with the same name in the destination directory

The deletes picked up source file is currently under review.

Setup Headers

Header Description Optional
Target Destination Directory NO
Action Action To Perform NO
Overwrite Overwrites the destination if it exists YES

Example Syntax


Source File

The target is the root folder that it will put files into but it is important to note that you can specify a sub directory of a file by ensuring that the SourceFile header contains the sub directory and file name.

routable.SetHeader("SourceFile", "SubDirectory/filename.txt");